Leading creative workshops and seminars
​- The Phenomenological Experience of The Poem and Nested Ontologies
​- Paremic allusions and Magical Realism
- Celluloid Characters and Literary Semantics
- The Writers and Artists Notebook
- Archetype & Imagination: Jung, The Tarot and the Shadows of Narrative
- Craft Tools to Compile a Long-Form Work
- Ekphrasis and The British Museum
- Center and Society of Authors​
- Borgesian Conundrum and the Strange Circle of History
Member of the Percy Shelley Society at University College and the New College Creative Writing Workshop​​​​
Winner of the Kellogg College Oxford University Community Impact and Engagement Award. “For the demonstration of a genuine commitment to community engagement, increasing impact, promoting knowledge exchange and widening participation.” — Yasmin Khan, Senior Tutor, Kellogg College, Oxford University